Thursday, May 10, 2012

Professor's Fu's Malware Blog

If you're into system security and malware analysis, don't miss Prof. Xiang Fu's malware analysis blog at  His malware analysis tutorials are "hands-on" as they can get!

Upsilon Pi Epsilon Computer Science Honor Society Inductees for 2012

Congratulations to the 16 students who were inducted into UPE for the 2011-2012 academic year:

  1. Nikia Lubin
  2. Oswaldo Crespo
  3. Steven Blumenthal
  4. Cynthia Cheng
  5. Taryn Teurfs
  6. Julian Kowalczyk
  7. Lukasz Bator
  8. Mario Noyola
  9. Lorrae Famiglietti
  10. Jason Dayton
  11. Patrick Colombo
  12. Robert Schurr
  13. Christopher Blach
  14. Michael Bufardeci
  15. Amit Goel
  16. Michael Bantegui